Ranch Life and Goat Devos

Hello, just a quick up date of what has been happening in our lives since we left Lyons. We are living in Watkins Co. located about 25 minutes east of Aurora. Russell & Jacki Corona are our host family. We have been blessed be on measure by them. While we are with them we have been helping them get some projects done so that they to will be able to host others to stay with them for rest and the enjoyment of ranch life. During our time here we have had the honor to help serve with Ranch Day, an event to help raise funds for a group of women who are heading to Israel to minister to the local women.  We are also enjoying our time with them in fellowship.  We are currently in a women’s bible study with Jacki, Jancie H, Keli C, Erin C and myself.  The guys have been finishing a master bedroom and have discovered that Iron really does sharpen Iron.  It is great to hear their conversations on the Lord, family, plumping, and music.  Oh and Russel is 10 days older than Bob so what ever happens to Russ, in 10 day it will happen to Bob is the running joke here on the ranch.  Jacki and I have had a great time having our morning devos with the 12 goats they have at the ranch.  We have 6 new babies and it is great sitting among them in the morning after feeding them and sharing our lives and the Word.  So we call it Devos with Goats.

An update on our friends Curt & Mary Jo Hencye from Calvary Relief, the finished strong in Lyons Co.  They bugged out the end of last month and headed to Tennessee to see family and regroup for their next deployment.  They to have been a blessing to Bob and I, great friends and we hope and pray to be able to work with them again soon.  

While in Lyons we had the pleasure of meeting Don & Lisa Label they to are missionaries  from Crossroads Church.  This awesome couple are from New Hampshire and travel in an RV also.  You can follow them if you want at Today’s Journey on facebook.  They have just spent 3 months in Montana at the Potters Field serving the community up there and now heading to California for a few months.  God is doing a great work with these two.


Peace to you & thank you for stopping by.

 Our request for this month is to please be in prayer for us on the sale of all businesses when this happens it will allow us to head out, the girls starting back to school and please continue to pray for the other missionaries getting ready to launch into the world where God has called them to go.  




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